> History


Apr. 1956
Aichi Food Industry Experiment Station was established in Shinpukuji-cho, Nishi-ku.
Oct. 1956
The station was transferred from the Agriculture and Forestry Department to the Commerce and Industry Department.
Nov. 1968
Packaging research lab established.
Mar. 1973
Food processing research center established.
Aug. 1985
Trial production center (reconstructed: alcoholic beverage trial production lab and processed food trial production lab) established.
June 1988
Main building etc. (reconstructed) established.
Nov. 1988
The name was changed to Aichi Food Research Center.
Apr. 2002
Name changed to AITEC (Aichi Industrial Technology Institute) Food Research Center.
Jan. 2012
Name changed to Food Research Center, Aichi Center for Industry and Science Technology.